May 29, 2008

More beauty

My mother-in-law is a very thoughtful lady. She also has an appreciation for beautiful things. Here's what she presented to me and my friend, Brenda, upon our arrival last weekend.

My mother-in-law is thoughtful. My God is an amazing, creative artist.


Paula V said...

I could almost imagine smelling them. You indeed are very blessed with a sweet m-i-l. I have no doubt that you know the rarity and the blessing to have an endearing m-i-l. Mine was not so. They don't have the 'jokes' for not reason. I believe it is especially hard on the d-i-l because of the bond of mother and son and the mother being 'replaced' by the wife. It's not right but some mothers cannot cut the apron strings.

Anonymous said...

Jen, what kind of camera do you have? These photos are awesome!
Ruby's Fairy Godmother